The Relationship between Grinding Time of Mill Scale and Physicochemical Properties of the Produced Pellets and Its Reduction Kinetics in a Static Bed via Hydrogen
H. H. Abdul-wahab, El-Hussiny N.A, M. M. Ali, A. A. Omar, Shalabi M.E.H., M. R. Moharam
Execution Optimization for SOC Using NOC
B. Reuben, R. Arul Arumugam
Random Noise Detection and Reduction in Digital Image
S. Karthik, M. Dharani, J. Banupriya
Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) and Tax Compliance in Nigeria: Challenges and Prospects
Zekeri Momoh
Reduction of Iron Ore Contain Phosphorous
Sarah S. A., El-Hussiny N.A, S. A. Sayed, B. A. Salah, Shalabi M.E.H.